TOKIO OMOTENASHI POLICY is the nickname for the overseas travel insurance plan for foreign nationals visiting Japan available through this system.

This insurance product offers coverage for medical expenses incurred due to injury or illness in Japan and for repatriation to your home country.

Please consider signing up if you want to be prepared for any of the following:

  • I’m injured but I have no idea which hospital to go to… What will I do if the hospital staff doesn’t speak my language… ?
  • I’m ill and I’m worried that I’ll get a huge medical bill… ?
  • I can not connect to the internet

Tokio Marine Nichido offers five services to help you in times like these!

Cashless medical service

We will refer you to a suitable hospital if you become injured or ill!
Tokio Marine Nichido will pay medical expenses and drug expense directly to the hospital or pharmacy!*1

Interpreting via telephone,etc.

We will provide medical care with our interpreting service (available in English, Chinese and Korean)! *2

Patient repatriation

We offer full support for repatriation to your home or a medical institution in your home country! *3

Travel protection

Among the variety of other services we offer are: support if your passport or credit card is lost/stolen; reservations/arrangements for transport between the airport and your hotel; forwarding of messages to family members and other persons overseas; and safety information relevant to your trip.


We will provide a smartphone application offering convenient functions such as “free Wi-Fi service” and “Emergency Calls.”*4

*1 This service enables customers to receive medical treatment without having to pay for medical treatment and medication at the hospital/pharmacy if Tokio Marine Nichido’s service provider is contacted in advance and receives authorization from the hospital/pharmacy.

*2 Tokio Marine Nichido’s service provider offers a three-way telephone interpreting service by telephone or videophone that can also be used in restaurants, hotels, etc.

*3 Tokio Marine Nichido’s service provider will make transportation arrangements, complete airport procedures, etc.

*4 To use the application, you will need to initialize it using the ID and password or the activation code provided when the policy was concluded.

●This service is not available for illnesses, injuries or accidents not covered in the overseas insurance policy you have purchased.

●The Description of Important Matters are also describe in the principal contingencies for which insurance benefits are payable or not payable.So please ensure you read it closely.

●The details of this service are subject to change or suspension without notice.

●The service may take time to access or may be unavailable.

●Any injury or illness the Insured Person has already suffered at the time of application is outside the scope of insurance payout.

Coverage Plan

The coverage plan is as follows (the scope of coverage and insurance amount cannot be changed):

Application Process

For first-time applicants
Premium payments may only be made by credit card (single installment).


Check product description and application conditions


Enter policy conditions and customer information


Confirm application details and enter credit card information


Contract to be formed

Customer Center

Hours 9:00ー17:00
(except Saturdays,Sundays,Holidays,and the New Year period)

Customer Center

Hours 9:00ー17:00
(except Saturdays,Sundays,Holidays,and the New Year period)